Google chrome enterprise download 64 bit
Google chrome enterprise download 64 bit

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Write-Verbose "Elapsed Time: $(($EndDTM-$StartDTM).TotalSeconds) Seconds" -Verbose Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA -Confirm:$false Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore -Confirm:$false (Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $UnattendedArgs -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode

google chrome enterprise download 64 bit

Write-Verbose "Starting Installation of $Vendor $Product $Version" -Verbose Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $Source Write-Verbose "Downloading $Vendor $Product $Version" -Verbose New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Version $UnattendedArgs = "/i $PackageName.$InstallerType ALLUSERS=1 NOGOOGLEUPDATEPING=1 /qn /liewa $LogApp" $output = (($chromeVersions | Where-Object " + "\$Vendor\$Product\$Version\$packageName.$installerType" $chromeVersions = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri $Uri).Content | ConvertFrom-Json

google chrome enterprise download 64 bit

Return the current release version of Chrome # Read the JSON and convert to a PowerShell object. # Get latest Google Chrome versions from public JSON feed - Aaron Parker Another benefit is that you get a media libary where you can easily rollback if lastest release is unstable. IMHO my scripts will only be published when they’re true evergreen. If I would download each and every time that would be stupid. In my Infrastructure as Code deployment I deploy 14 VM’s in 30 minutes. Not to mention what happens when the script runs about the same time on 2-3 VMs. This might makes sense in some case, but in terms of VMware Tools (working on it) it’s very unefficient, unstable and waste of time to download each and every time. Which means I needed to do stuff manually or simple download and delete each and every time. You see even with Google’s URL to their latest version it wasn’t possible for me to grab the version number. This was the missing piece of the puzzle to make my Google Chrome Enterprise installation script evergreen. Yesterday’s post Download and Install Latest Mozilla Firefox about evergreen URLs spiked quite some engagement in the community on Twitter sharing their Git resources.Īaron Parker shared his Function on how to read Google’s JSON file to find the latest version.

Google chrome enterprise download 64 bit